Michael brings a thoughtful, rational, caring spirit to his work, tailoring manual therapy with or without Reiki to support your individual needs.
He invites clients to be curious and interested in their own journey to well-being. Engaging with each client from a place that works for them, he uses a combination of slow, myofascial-, structure-specific, neuro-muscular, craniosacral massage techniques, and Reiki, to assist the body in its own unwinding and reintegration. His work is gentle yet firm, relaxing yet deep and often profound. For clients with jaw, mouth or throat discomfort, including TMJ-related issues or swallowing difficulties, Michael is also licensed for intraoral work and these same techniques to help unwind jaws and tongues.
There is a tendency to think that deep tissue work must hurt, believing the adage “if it isn’t hurting it isn’t doing any good!” But pain triggers the nervous system to resist and protect. Even when there is a feeling of release at the time, if the body hasn’t learned anything, it will return to its old way of being: a way overworking some structures and underutilizing others. The neuro-myofascial techniques Michael employs work with the body not against it, following the structures of the body as they unwind and recalibrate. This work goes just as deep as traditional “deep tissue massage” — possibly deeper — in ways that invite the nervous system to develop new patterns for holding the body, patterns that distribute the effort in a more balanced way.
This work is ideal for people seeking to improve their wellness, people with chronic pain conditions, and those seeking bodywork and/or Reiki to complement traditional medicine and therapy.